Another bourne shell build script problem
Paul Keusemann
2018-05-23 14:13:59 UTC
Hello, it's me again. :-)

I just tried to build mutt-1.10.0 on Solaris 10 and ran into this:

2018/05/23 09:01:37 Building in
/net/nas1/bpool/local/local_src/Mail/Mutt/mutt-1 .10.0 ...
./gen_defs ./OPS ./OPS.PGP ./OPS.SMIME ./OPS.CRYPT > keymap_defs.h
./patchlist.sh < ./PATCHES > patchlist.c echo 'const char
*ReleaseDate = "'`(cd . && ./mkreldate.sh)`'";' > reldate.h
./mkreldate.sh: syntax error at line 6: `reldate=$' unexpected

Switching from $() to `` or from /bin/sh to /bin/ksh (or /bin/bash)
resolves the problem.
Paul Keusemann ***@gmail.com
4266 Joppa Court (952) 894-7805
Savage, MN 55378
Vincent Lefevre
2018-05-23 14:25:56 UTC
Post by Paul Keusemann
Switching from $() to ``
This change should be OK.
Post by Paul Keusemann
or from /bin/sh to /bin/ksh (or /bin/bash) resolves the problem.
ksh and bash are not necessarily installed (or may be in some other
directory). Only /bin/sh is guaranteed to exist.
Vincent Lefèvre <***@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <https://www.vinc17.net/blog/>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)
Kevin J. McCarthy
2018-05-23 16:24:19 UTC
Post by Vincent Lefevre
Post by Paul Keusemann
Switching from $() to ``
This change should be OK.
Roger Cornelius also reported this issue (in a private email), although
I don't know what platform he is on. I asked him to email mutt-dev, and
mentioned the last discussion where we seemed to be inclined to move
away from non-posix shells.

However, this incompatible change was inadvertant and easily fixable.
It seems needlessly punitive to not just change it back to ``. Are
there any good reasons to keep it as $()?
Kevin J. McCarthy
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Simon Ruderich
2018-05-24 07:11:53 UTC
Post by Kevin J. McCarthy
However, this incompatible change was inadvertant and easily fixable.
It seems needlessly punitive to not just change it back to ``. Are
there any good reasons to keep it as $()?
$() is the "new" syntax for `` with better support for nesting.
Besides that there should be no difference AFAIK.

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