Olaf Hering
2018-01-12 13:14:29 UTC
The list of mails in INBOX has a "size" field. Once the INBOX is opened,
the size of a mail is "large", likely because the size is set based on
the result of RFC822.SIZE. This is the size of header+body. Once the
mail is opened, the shown size changes to the size of the body.
Why is this inconsistent?
I think 'index_format=' controls how the list of messages is presented.
Mine is set to "%4C %5c %Z %[%d.%m %H:%M] %-15.15L %s".
the size of a mail is "large", likely because the size is set based on
the result of RFC822.SIZE. This is the size of header+body. Once the
mail is opened, the shown size changes to the size of the body.
Why is this inconsistent?
I think 'index_format=' controls how the list of messages is presented.
Mine is set to "%4C %5c %Z %[%d.%m %H:%M] %-15.15L %s".