Just For Your Information.
2018-04-08 06:51:56 UTC
Hi guys,

I thought of all the people in the world, you are for sure the ones
they will understand me!!!

[be aware mode:
(believe it or not, this is actually a typical exchange in LFS lists.
That was, that is and that always be. As we are friends between us)


but i got angry!
(i'm getting real angry when people (even if they are friends), try to touch
(open to evolution) established gained mailing list standard UNIX consience
(but at the same time open to a sensible evolution)).

I'm a mailing list lover, and I do not want to touch my mailing lists.
(i wanted to put a couple of [f]'s as prefix there (but is a forbidden
word and this a is well known respectfull public forum, with very
genttle people), so i'll pass (but it spells like ef you ci kei ai en g)
(anyway, i'll pass on this one, (because of the respect for this list and
its people)).


I'm getting very very very very very sensitive about this matter.
So i became quite bit of harsh with our beloved Gerard. [serious mode:
(it's nothing personal with him, he even send me a message from his
phone this morning), i hope you got it (its crucial for my fragile
feelings to understand this point), and because we are friends, but this
is our way (we are brutal (and so is you (i really really hope to stay
like this)))]

So it's nothing personal, but I was right, and someone had to do something
about this. I'm sure you'll do the same. All of you. Because you are also
mailing list lovers! I could bet on this if i had money to bet!

Anyway, I thought you'll like this (i'm sure you will recognise some quite
funny muttisms established through the years)
(i'm subscribed here (as a dot hatzim at gmail) from 2004/05/06 (i don't
really remember, but it was during Thomas era, a long ago before Brendan,
little after the spring of 2004 (in the gentoo era), so i guess this should
be 05)):


[constantly funny mode with much of trueth:

Ken (cc him) already tottaly agreed with me on this.

But he is my friend. So his opinion doesn't really count, as it might
be subjective. It happens to all the friends.

He is also a mailing list lover. And he likes butterflies. I also like
butterflies. This love unite us. And the love we have for the mailing lists
and LFS. (but anyway: Thanks Ken for the support!!!) (at the very least
is good to know that there are some people who loves you).

Now (please and because some of you will get angry also, like me!
(i could bet on this if i had money to bet anyway)):

do not (___repeat___) ***donot*** dare to go there to reply and comment!!!
I'm the fmoderator there! And I'm getting really really seriously my job.
It's not your job to go there for support! so please: DO NOT GO (i
know that you are angry right now, as i was (because i know that you are also
mailing list lovers, like i'm and my friend Ken is))

(but it is UNNACEPTABLE to reply there! even if you are right!!!)

Use this one for any (funny only) comments (if any).


Dedicated to our beloved mutt community.

